#' Main wrapper function for planning GAP STRS survey in the AI-GOA
#' @description
#' Modifications as of 6/19/2019:
#' Encapsulated creation of the AI_STATIONS list of candidate stations and
#' creating the PLANNING_DATA table in R functions called from goa.planning()
#' and allocate.effort, respectively. This entailed intake of uid, pwd
#' parameters and passing those along with with the survey parameter to those
#' functions. Also changed data constraints for AI stations to include good
#' Ocean Hope stations from 1991 that have yet to be replicated since and
#' conditioned the general rule of using "previously successful tows" with
#' consideration of trawlability field populated in AI.AIGRID_GIS from
#' electronic station logs maintained on the vessel. The routine as written in
#' this project is functional only for the Aleutian Islands. Gulf of Alaska
#' station allocation originates from old SPLUS code curated by Paul von Szalay.
#' Modifications as of 1/20/2016
#' Added a csv output in addition to the xlsx workbook and identified it with
#' number.of.tows
#' Modification as of 12/19/2013
#' Added readline and choose.dir functions to accept parameter inputs. Changed
#' write.table for reporting allocation table to writing an XLSX file
#' Modifications as of 12/18/2013
#' Initially just changing indentation and line breaks to get preferred code
#' form and added ", believeNRows = FALSE" to sqlQuery's to deal with version
#' 3.0.1 of R.
#' @author Ned Laman \email{ned.laman@@noaa.gov}
goa.planning <- function(selection.type = "random", min.size = 5){
# set options for session
options(digits = 10)
options(stringsAsFactors = F)
if(survey == "AI") {
## As of June2019 candidate stations are chosen from previously
## successfully trawled stations in RACEBASE.HAUL (including Ocean Hope
## stations from 1991) combined with station trawlability recorded
points <- get.ai.stations(channel, schema, pwrd, survey)
names(points) <- casefold(names(points))
stations.available <- tapply(points$stationid, points$stratum, length)
allocations <- allocate.effort(survey,
channel = channel,
points = points,
stations.available = stations.available,
number.of.tows = number.of.tows,
pwrd = pwrd, schema = schema,
output.file = output.file)
strata <- allocations[[2]]
allocations <- allocations[[1]]
stations <- pick.gridpoints(allocations, channel, survey, points)
survey.plan <- vessel.allocation(stations, strata, survey)
names(survey.plan) <- toupper(names(survey.plan))
varTypes <- c("number","varchar2(10)","number",rep("float",2))
names(varTypes) <- names(survey.plan)
csv.path <- paste(output.file, "\\", survey, "allocation",
number.of.tows, ".csv", sep = "")
## cannot get rid of column names when writing a csv unless row.names = T
write.csv(survey.plan, csv.path, row.names = F)
## Save station allocation as an Excel workbook (.xlsx)
xl.wb.path <- paste(output.file, "\\", survey, "allocation.xlsx", sep = "")
xl.wb <- loadWorkbook(xl.wb.path, create = TRUE)
createSheet(xl.wb, name = "StationAllocation")
writeWorksheet(xl.wb, survey.plan, sheet = "StationAllocation")
# assign("default.output.file", output.file, env = .GlobalEnv)
## Write copy of survey.plan to an Oracle table for Region & Year Station
## Allocation if table does not exist already, a vector of error language
## is returned from Oracle in the first if statement if the table does exist
## you are prompted to overwrite or not terminus probably needs work
O.table <- paste0(survey, "_", year, "_STATION_ALLOCATION")
D <- sqlQuery(channel, paste0("select count(*) n_records from ",
survey, "_", year, "_STATION_ALLOCATION"))
sqlSave(channel, dat = survey.plan, tablename = O.table,
varTypes = varTypes, rownames = FALSE)
}else if(is.data.frame(D)){
qna <- readline(paste0("Do you want to overwrite the", year,
" station allocation (enter y or n)? "))
qna <- (toupper(qna))
if(qna == "Y"){
sqlDrop(channel, O.table)
sqlSave(channel, dat = survey.plan, tablename = O.table,
varTypes = varTypes, rownames = FALSE)
print("You either opted not to overwrite or entered something other than Y or N above. Try again!")
cat(paste0("Done! \nResults are found at ", xl.wb.path,
"\nand in AIGOA_WORK_DATA.", O.table, " in Oracle.\n"))
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